Articles and Whitepapers

Intelligent Automation Implementation Roadmap: Life Sciences Edition

In an industry as complex and highly regulated as life sciences, how does one get started on their company’s intelligent automation journey? With help from our Advisory Board and speaker faculty, we at the Intelligent Automation in Life Sciences event created this industry-specific, step by step guide for effectively:

  1. Planning & Piloting a new intelligent automation project
  2. Rolling out and measuring the success of a new IA tool
  3. Fully leveraging and optimizing IA investments for years to come
  4. Balancing cost-effectiveness with compliance with user experience

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Artificial Intelligence: The Enemy or The Hero?

Humans all over the world have mixed feelings on the power of artificial intelligence and what it might do to society and jobs. Many are scared and afraid. What most people do not take time to do is research how it’s doing good for the environment, health system and governmental issues. Download this report to learn all of the different ways that artificial intelligence is contributing to the world in positive ways. 

Five ways AI is Reshaping the Biomedical Industry

When we sat down with Professor Jackie Hunter, CEO of BelevolentBio, to discuss the untapped potential of AI and how the technology is helping to close the industry’s information-innovation gap…